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SOCMC company not only promoted the rapid development of the manufacturing industry, but also awakened the demand for machining precision of mechanical parts.socmc company recognized the need to manufacture precision instruments, socmc business gradually grow and develop. We thrive in the field of Metrology, becoming more and more professional as we move forward.

Our expertise provides you with the best measurement solution. Over the years, socmc  products have been involved in many fields. Our measurement knowledge creates benefits for customers, such as in the automotive industry and mechanical engineering and precision machinery, automation equipment technology, socmc program quality more professional. In a variety of measurement tasks for our customers to solve the most such as automation systems and professional measurement software.

Wherever you need us, we're here. With the growing economy, socmc, as our customers expect, in the world. We have established a global marketing network, in all parts of the country first socmc instruments are guaranteed to provide you with the best quality service.

SOCMC instrument figure: Whenever and wherever you need us, we are at your side.


WE SPEAK WITH PRECISION! The socmc brand stands for reliability. The greater the need for measurement repeatability, the greater the importance of the initial measurement to the final result. It's our job to make sure the measurements are accurate. We have precision technology to meet different measuring requirements, products range from mechanical equipment, length, mechanical testing, optics, precision measuring instruments, non-destructive testing, physical and chemical analysis, special measuring instruments, and environmental testing.

We also provide professional software, training and services, in the operation of quality and cost control are assured. We can directly face the customer, develop the most suitable measurement solution. The first abundant provides not only is a product to you!

Professional team

Industrial measurement is being widely used. Experience, innovation and focus in product measurement are also becoming more important. We are increasingly committed to developing new solutions to customers and effectively apply and solve customer problems. Our ideas run through the initial research to final acceptance. Most of the solutions come directly from our conversations with loyal customers in the industry.


The challenges are growing. Climate Change and environmental protection, the scarcity of renewable energy and resources, automation and electrical drives -- all these issues pose new challenges for production measurements. This trend means that in the industrial production process, the accuracy of products need to be constantly strengthened. All this makes geometrical metrology crucial in this process.

We are already thinking about the measurement technology of tomorrow. With your requirements to face the future of measurement technology, tell us your measurement requirements, we will provide you with more complete solutions, reliable measurement technology.

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