
About Us

socmc company not only promoted the rapid development of the manufacturing industry, but also awakened the demand for machining precision of mechanical parts.socmc company recognized the need to manufacture precision instruments, socmc business gradually grow and develop. We thrive in the field of Metrology, becoming more and more professional as we move forward.Our expertise provides you with the best measurement solution. Over the years, socmc products have been involved in many fields. Our measurement knowledge creates benefits for customers, such as in the automotive industry and mechanical engineering and precision machinery, automation equipment technology, socmc program quality more professional. In a variety of measurement tasks for our customers to solve the most such as automation systems and professional measurement software.Wherever you need us, we're here. With the growing economy, socmc, as our customers expect, in the world. We have established a global marketing network, in all parts of the country first socmc instruments are guaranteed to provide you with the best quality service.SOCMC instrument figure: Whenever and wherever you need us, we are at your side.
Company environment
偏关县| 图木舒克市| 都昌县| 通渭县| 大田县| 萨嘎县| 大埔区| 和平县| 灵丘县| 波密县| 通化县| 商洛市| 平湖市| 花垣县| 巨鹿县| 广昌县| 隆林| 开原市| 曲松县| 长春市| 公主岭市| 巴东县| 宜川县| 麻栗坡县| 会理县| 宣威市| 宁阳县| 雷波县| 互助| 永登县| 小金县| 麟游县| 阜康市| 中牟县| 永寿县| 永定县| 万荣县| 孝感市| 调兵山市| 福清市| 瑞昌市|